RST’s Employment Services program functions as a free referral and staffing service for our clients. Thousands of refugees arrive in Texas every year, authorized to work and pre-screened to match skills and previous work experience to available jobs. All clients are immediately enrolled in English as a Second Language (ESL) classes to learn basic English and workplace vocabulary, while job readiness classes are taught by RST’s employment specialists in languages like Spanish, Burmese, Nepali, and Arabic. In addition to ESL classes, RST offers Digital Literacy and Food Handlers certification, either on-site or at partner organizations depending on area.
RST also works with businesses by offering services such as interpretation and translation, throughout both the hiring process and some on-the-job training. Case workers stay involved in the hiring process to assist refugees with any additional paperwork, and maintain frequent contact with employers and refugee hires to ensure that the refugee is performing well and that any potential issues are resolved.
Obtaining employment allows refugees to be self-sufficient, support their family, and enrich our communities. Our clients contribute to our many partner organizations, who find that refugees are a reliable workforce from which to draw. Find out how your business can benefit from hiring refugees and view a list of some of the corporations we partner with here.